          匍匐前進 匍匐前進 The Ghost confirmed with me that 梅豔芳-Anita Mui was another form of Condi Rice-Anita Hill-Sotomayor. That how US Capital Hill abused their power to got her to take the highest US public office available to suck around the globe to m 褐藻醣膠ake revenge whatever she want that showed her forced former France President to bend to kiss her claw or claws nail or nails in front of the world to show her up to force that someone who dared slap her when she's in the form of 梅豔芳-Anita Mui 酒店經紀 to die. The former Israel head was one of her abused US government power revenged victims. That may explain how come entire Taiwan dark side must have all bonelessly crawl on the ground 匍匐前進 ( woosean told, that 21世紀房屋仲介how woosean murdered by Condi Rice and died for his or her writing with no way to traced up. The kill is not the crime, the crime is USA government abused their national machine to kill so many foreign "How.Hank" like they did to Hank William (who dared had the song "Cheati 景觀設計ng Heart or hart or hard" to show their tongues of piles up crimes sign that Bush senior said "Read my lips") in so many foreign small countries land that crimes USA committed darkly around the globe worse than any street road side gang, must not be allowed to get away or ignored; that may 買屋 explain how come US Capital must have to bend to Bill Clinton to allow him to get away out of his crimes of lie, must have to bend to Bill Clinton's ass whore Hillary Clinton (That how Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton committed the treason crime not only to th 節能燈具e Americans but also to the entire free world, because they not only failed to do the righteous duty to kill 梅豔芳-Anita Mui-Condi Rice-Anita Hill-Sotomayor to guard the American and the Free world free right, but also abused their highest white house sight to tooled those secret crimes they got to thre 結婚西裝aten pressed scared the Capital bodies for their shameless selfish pockets gang and gain committed the crimes far worse than "Goods.C.Young.Jane" friendly spoil corruption crime. Because you can't be trusted by your enemy, your nation, your people must have no way to deserve peaceful life. Your nation can't provide 租屋網 peaceful life to the coward less evil people, your nation must no right to have life, that happened to China Dynasty, that happened to Roman Empire, that must happen to the evilest USA form.) to take over the highest available Capital seat, that how you can expect Hillary Clinton to follow 梅豔芳-Anita Mui-Condi Rice-Anita Hill-Sotomayor to US S 裝潢upreme Court life time site when it happens to be the highest available empty slot in the wrong time wrong place wrong hands suck so that to enable them to make more behind doors crimes scenes invisibly no way for any your public to smell.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 有巢氏房屋  .

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