          -西遊記- 第一○回 老龍王拙計犯天條 魏丞相遺書託冥吏 "君臣兩個對弈,此棋正下到午時三刻,一盤殘局未終,魏徵忽然俯伏在案邊,鼾鼾盹睡。太宗笑曰:「賢卿真是匡扶社稷之心勞,創 訂做禮服立江山之力倦,所以不覺盹睡。」太宗任他睡著,更不呼喚。不多時,魏徵醒來,俯伏在地道:「臣該萬死,臣該萬死!卻才倦困,不知所為,望陛下赦臣慢君之罪。」太宗道:「 澎湖民宿卿有何慢罪?且起來,拂退殘棋,與卿從新更著。」"This may explain how come Confucius saddening one of his student "Jeye.Yu" 晝寢; Jesus saddening Peter falling asleep; how c 禮服ome USA better than China simply because USA company and government not allow workers to see their晝寢 above day time duties; this may explain how come man must not allowed to be lazy; laziness is wom 開幕活動an's right, man's crimes. 第一二回 唐王秉誠修大會 觀音顯聖化金蟬 自此時出了法律:但有毀僧謗佛者,斷其臂。- 西遊記-That must mean you must not 酒店兼職 use 僧佛 name to damage anyone to shame on 僧佛 good status. How come 唐王出此 stupid bad ugly evil 惡法? Most likely because he seeing most evil scene in the hells tour lost his mankind eyes, therefore, he did not want stupid bad ugly e 酒店兼職vil doers can have the mercy die sooner than later to get the advantage of "先遲.Duh.Dyan.".( 太宗道:「日久年深,山遙路遠,御弟可進此酒:寧戀?濾桶辣m一捻土,莫愛他鄉萬兩金。」 So that free from "吃.Lee.Pot.Y." hells crimes.三藏答曰:「心生,種種魔生﹔心滅,種種魔滅。( This may explain how come Sata 商務中心n has no heart; this may explain why we must worship our True God from our heart, so that 心生時 no room available to allow 種種魔生.第十九回 雲棧洞悟空收八戒 浮屠山玄奘受心經 舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減。是故空中無色,無受想行識,無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法,無眼界,乃 seo至無意識界,無無明,亦無無明盡。( One English word "Formless" covers above all - Mankind "更上.1.Chen.Load" must be formless.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買房子  .

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